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 EBT SNAP Restaurant Meal Program


The Restaurant Meals Program (RMP) is a state option to allow certain SNAP clients, who might not be able to prepare meals for themselves or who do not have permanent housing for storing and preparing food, to be able to buy prepared meals at restaurants with their SNAP benefits.


Which SNAP Clients can use their SNAP Benefits at Restaurants?

To be eligible for the RMP, SNAP clients must be certified for SNAP in a state that has an RMP and all members of the household must be either:

  • Elderly (60 years of age or older);

  • disabled (receives disability or blindness payments or receives disability retirement benefits from a governmental agency because of a disability considered permanent);

  • homeless; or

  • a spouse of a SNAP client who is eligible for the RMP.

Which Restaurants can Participate in the RMP?

To participate in the RMP, the restaurant must:

  • Be in a state that has an RMP.

  • Get approval from the state and provide a signed agreement to FNS.

  • Be authorized by FNS to accept SNAP benefits.

Each state can set their own requirements for choosing how many and which restaurants they want to allow to participate in their state's RMP. For more information, please contact the RMP contact for your participating state listed below.

Tel. 800-642-9633

Is the Restaurant Responsible for Determining which SNAP Clients are Allowed to Use their SNAP Benefits at Restaurants?

No. SNAP clients who are eligible will have an EBT card that is coded by the state to allow their cards to be accepted at participating restaurants. An EBT card will automatically be declined if the SNAP client is not eligible.

What Kind of Equipment do Restaurants Need to Accept SNAP benefits?

Restaurants must have a point-of-sale (POS) device that is programmed to accept Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) cards. If your restaurant already uses equipment that accepts credit/debit cards, you can contact your third-party processor (TPP) to ask about adding EBT to your



EBT for Restaurants:



If your restaurant wants to accept EBT without going through the state administered program you may opt to accept EBT Cash Benefits only. EBT cash benefits is debited from the recipiants card like a debit card. Some restaurants like this option because it is not restricted like the SNAP benefits. To apply plese call Tel. 800-642-9632

Is the Restaurant Responsible for Determining which SNAP Clients are Allowed to Use their SNAP Benefits at Restaurants?

No. SNAP clients who are eligible will have an EBT card that is coded by the state to allow their cards to be accepted at participating restaurants. An EBT card will automatically be declined if the SNAP client is not eligible.

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